Getting up close with elephants

Everyone that witnesses an elephant is truly fascinated by these majestic beings and their intelligent behaviour. As one of the few remaining megaherbivores on the planet, elephants hold great national value as a major tourist attraction. There are numerous places to see elephants in the country, listed below are a few.

Image result for Udawalawe
Mstyslav Chernov, Bathing elephants. Udawalawe National Park. Sri Lanka, CC BY-SA 3.0

Declared a national park in 1972 and spanning 30,800 hectares, Udawalawe is home to roughly 500 elephants and other animals. A former teak plantation, they graze in scattered herds in the grasslands amongst the remaining teak trees. There’s an elephant orphanage nearby, where you’ll find injured or abandoned elephants being cared for, after which they’re released into the park.

Designated a wildlife sanctuary in 1938 to protect the Minneriya tank and wildlife of the surrounding area, you’ll find between 150 to 200 elephants roaming the park from July to August. In the dry season, an event is known as the ‘elephant gathering’ occurs and is a great opportunity for wildlife enthusiasts to observe the social behaviour of the elephants in the wild. Just a 30-minute drive from Habarana Village by Cinnamon, a rather well-known Sri Lanka Resort, Minneriya is ideal for those looking to get a glimpse of these beasts in their natural habitat.

Located in the central hills, this elephant orphanage was established in 1975 by the Department of Wildlife Conservation. Abandoned and disabled wild elephants get care and protection at this special place that spreads across 24 acres. You can observe elephants bathing, as they play and splash around.

My Travel Itinerary for Sri Lanka

Looking for a splendid beach vacation in Sri Lanka? The Eastern coast of Sri Lanka retains much of its pristine beauty with its unspoiled beaches and tranquil atmosphere. Do read on to know more facts!

Mirissa | Image Credit : Ji-Elle, Mirissa-Sports nautiques, CC BY-SA 3.0


If you want to make the best out of your holiday, you should spare some time to visit Mirissa for Whale and Dolphin watching. You will have the opportunity to view the most famous and the largest marine mammals, “Blue Whales”. Also, you will see several other whale species, exotic marine life, and dolphins.

Arugam Bay

If you want to receive the best out of Sri Lanka beach holidays, it’s worth visiting the stunning Arugam Bay to have a great experience while feasting your eyes on glorious sunset views. Undoubtedly, this place is a heaven for those of you who seek a laid-back ambience along with a welcoming and diverse community.

Yala National Park

As one of Sri Lanka’s premier safari hotspots, the Yala National Park is a thriving safari hub worthy of exploration. It will give you the opportunity to witness a broad variety of wildlife in Sri Lanka. If you are luckier, you’ll be able to witness magnificent a leopard. Those visiting this part of the country will have a plethora of accommodation like Cinnamon Hotels & Resorts which offers some of the best places to stay in Sri Lanka.


Sigiriya, also known as the Lion’s Rock, is a popular hotspot among many tourists who visit Sri Lanka. Visit this heavenly place on earth and get to know the rich history of the country. You’ll certainly be mesmerized seeing this giant rock palace against the backdrop of lush green surroundings and clear blue skies!

Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers. Google+

Explore Sri Lanka’s Wildlife

As one of the world’s greatest Biodiversity hotspots, Sri Lanka, is an excellent place to witness wildlife. The island has numerous, amazing wildlife sanctuaries, here are some top spots.

Minneriya|Img via Nature Odyssey

Yala National Park

Being the second largest national park in Sri Lanka, the Yala National Park has been a favourite hotspot among many tourists who visit the country. If you want to spot a leopard, there will be no better place than this! Sloth bears, elephants, and many other creatures can be experienced up close. This dry zone park is just one of the rustic wildlife reserves Nature Odyssey and other leading tour operators in Sri Lanka cover.

Wilpattu National Park

Wilpattu is undoubtedly one of the, if not the most, beautiful wildlife park in the country. Situated about 30km from Sri Lanka’s ancient capital, Anuradhapura, Wilpattu is the nation’s oldest national park and its largest one. The National Park’s most prominent feature is its unique complex of more than 50 natural lakes, called ‘Villus’ which largely contribute to both its natural beauty and its lush fertility.

Minneriya National Park

A park that is always covered in most popular adventure tours in Sri Lanka, Minneriya is best known for its large population of migratory elephants. The park is also home to diverse species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even fish. The surroundings too are quite beautiful with dense shrubberies and vast grassy plains.

Bundala National Park

This park is well-known as a wildlife hotspot for aquatic bird life! The most impressive aspect of the park is its terrain made up of sand dunes, scrub jungle, salt pans, lagoons and long stretches of coastline.



Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+

Discovering the Amazing Wildlife of Sri Lanka

One of Sri Lanka’s most captivating highlights is its exotic wildlife. Be it fearsome, feathery, menacing, majestic, stealthy or slithery, these diverse species each have their own unique character!

wildlife SriLanka | Img by: pen_ash via pixabay

Where to Go

The country’s national parks are great places to see local wildlife in their natural habitats. Yala and Minneriya are two of the most popular national parks and are included on excursions by tour operators like Silvertree Travel. Wilpattu, Udawalawe, Bundala and Wasgamuwa are a few of the other parks you can visit too.


There are over 120 mammal species including leopards, elephants, sloth bears and toque macaques which can be spotted on adventure tours in Sri Lanka. The sambar deer, giant squirrel, wild boar and porcupine are a few of the other species here. Not to be forgotten are the marine mammals such as whales and dolphins that can be found in the surrounding Indian Ocean.


A birdwatcher’s paradise, Sri Lanka has recorded a little over 440 bird species. Amongst the endemic species are the Sri Lankan junglefowl, Sri Lanka spurfowl, Layard’s parakeet and yellow-fronted barbet. The island also attracts many migratory species like the lesser sand plover, blue-tailed bee-eater and greater flamingo.


When it comes to snakes one can find species such as the Indian cobra, Russell’s viper and sand boa. Reptile species don’t only include snakes though; mugger and saltwater crocodiles, five turtle species including the green turtle and olive ridley sea turtle, rough-horned and pygmy lizards and water monitors can be found here too.

Roland Lefevre is a travel writer who specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe. Google+

Visiting a rainforest- a practical guide

If you’ve never thought of going to a rainforest, you should! These unique biomes burst with bright flashes of colour and busy buzz. Know these tips before visiting a rainforest.

Wildlife in Sinharaja Rainforest
Wildlife in Sinharaja Rainforest | Image Credit : Jayne Stockdale, White-bellied Blue Flycatcher in Sinharaja National Park, CC BY-SA 4.0


Staying true to its name, ‘tropical’ rainforests are both humid and warm. For instance, when you are not under the protective canopy the sun can be quite strong. Generally, tropical rainforests receive plenty of rainfall with different air circulation patterns.


Needless to say, rainforests are tremendously rich in wildlife. Majority of these animals live in the forest canopy and animal life is subtle and fleeting. If you stay at a Sinharaja eco lodge in Sri Lanka the likes of The Rainforest Ecolodge, you’ll be able to witness diverse species of exotic animal life here. A good guide can make you experience an educational and fascinating journey.


More than two-thirds of plant species in the world can be found in tropical rainforests. Once you enter a rainforest, you will notice that most of its trees grow closely spaced and straight up into the high canopy. Although you may find fallen flowers on the forest floor, you will not see many flowers in most of the rainforests.

Be observant!

Walking along a rainforest with an open mind will help you find differences between the rainforest ecosystem with that of a normal forest that you’ve seen. While walking make sure not to get entangled in vines or trip over roots.

Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+

A Thrilling Safari at Wilpattu National Park, Sri Lanka

From stealthy leopards and grinning crocodiles to majestic eagles and iconic elephants, the Wilpattu National Park in Sri Lanka offers an unforgettable safari into the wild.

Wilpattu National Park| Img by: Hasitha Tudugalle via FlickrCC BY 2.0


Getting There

Wilpattu is located around 188 km away from Colombo and the main Hunuwilgama Entrance can be easily accessed from Anuradhapura or Puttalam. The best times for a safari are generally from 6am to 10am and from 3pm to 6pm. Excursions organised by wildlife tour specialists like Nature Odyssey are an ideal option since they offer transport, accommodation and guided jeep safaris.


On your adventure tours in Sri Lanka at Wilpattu National Park, you have the chance to see leopards, sloth bears and elephants which are amongst the biggest draws at the park. Spotted deer, water buffalos and wild pigs may also be spotted here.


Wilpattu is made up of “villus” or natural lakes which attract a large variety of bird species. The whistling teal, white ibis and garganey are a few of the wetland bird species that can be spotted, while the Sri Lankan junglefowl, painted stork and eagles also call this park home.


The mugger crocodile is one of the most prominent reptile species in Wilpattu and makes for a great photo opportunity too! The common cobra, Indian python, soft-shelled turtle and monitor lizard are also found at the park.



Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers. Google+


Kaudulla National Park in Sri Lanka- A wildlife spectacle

This is one of the 26 national parks in the country and was opened in 2002. It can be visited all year-round and is, therefore, a good option for the wildlife lovers.

Image by Christophe Meneboeuf, SriLanka Elephants (, CC BY-SA 3.0

The landscape

Located in Polonnaruwa district, the park is a dry evergreen forest spanning more than 6500 hectares of land. It also connects to the other well-known national park named the Minneriya Wildlife Park.

Best time to visit

Despite being a year-round destination, it is best visited between July and December which marks the dry season. One of the most notable sights to witness during this period is the elephant gathering; the time hundreds of elephants congregate around the water reservoirs. The peak number of elephants recorded at one sighting can exceed 150!


To better explore the wildlife, sign up for programs like the Kaudalla National Park Safari which is known to be organized by Cinnamon Nature Trails. You will come across black bears, deer, leopards, peacocks and many monkeys. There are 160 species of birds in the park including the Asian Spoonbill, Painted Stork, Black-headed Ibis, Giant Eagle and the many hundreds of pelicans.


The average temperature varies from 20 C to 34.5 C, with the rains being a result of the north-eastern monsoon.

Caleb Falcon is a travel writer who specializes in writing content based on the many exciting world adventures that await intrepid travellers.  Google+

Explore Wildlife in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka being one of the best all-round wildlife destinations in the world showcases diverse wildlife creatures in their natural habitat. Read on to know some of Sri Lanka’s best wildlife reserves.

Image by Patty Ho Uploaded on Wikimedia Commons by Lkcl_it, Yala National Park (Sri Lanka 2012), CC BY 2.0

Wilpattu National Park

Those who keen on discovering diverse and numerous wildlife in Sri Lanka can look forward to a multitude of wild encounters in Willpattu. Being one of the oldest and largest national parks in the country, the best time to visit this park is from February to October, as this when the Wilpattu National Park quite literally comes alive different species of wildlife encounters. Cormorants, painted stroke, terns, whistling teals and spoonbills are some of the birds that nest and breed in Willpattu.

Yala National Park

Being one of the most popular wildlife reserves, the Yala National Park features brackish lagoons, grassy plains, and a light forest. Sloth bears, elephants, and many other creatures can be experienced up close. This dry zone park is just one of the rustic wildlife reserves Nkar Travel House and other leading tour operators in Sri Lanka cover.

Kumana National Park

Also known as ‘Yala East’, spotting animals is not an easy task in Kumana! However, it possesses a certain authenticity and a significant bird population. The nesting season which comes in the months of May and June makes it an ideal place to visit the park.

Sinharaja Rainforest

Staying true to its name, the Sinharaja Forest which means the ‘Lion Kingdom’ is an important biodiversity hotspot in Sri Lanka. It is home to more than 50% of endemic species including mammals, butterflies as well as many kinds of insects and reptiles


Intrigued by history, art and food, Lavinia Woolf is a writer who is passionate about the extraordinary and writes of the exhilarating and enchanting. Google+

Most Thrilling Wildlife Safaris in Sri Lanka

Despite its small size, Sri Lanka boasts of stunning environs which change from misty mountains, rustic coasts to dense jungles. Within these the most exotic wildlife creatures exist!

Image by Anton Croos, Sri Lanka Elephants, CC BY-SA 4.0

Yala National Park

For those who want to spot a leopard, there will be no better place than this! Don’t get excited as you get closer to view a leopard on a tree or stalking its next prey! Sloth bears, elephants, and many other creatures can be experienced up close. If you wish to go on a thrilling safari in Yala, consider planning your trip with one of the local travel agents such as Holidays by Design to spend an amazing day in the wild.

Minneriya National Park

A park that is always covered in most popular Sri Lanka wildlife tours, Minneriya is best known for its large population of migratory elephants. The park is also home to diverse species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even fish. The surroundings too are quite beautiful with dense shrubberies and vast grassy plains.

Wilpattu National Park

Situated in the dry zone of Sri Lanka, the Wilpattu National Park has gained extra popularity for its topographical feature called ‘Villu’. You can always trust the park to spot herds of spotted deer, lazy crocodiles and beautiful peacocks in full plumage and a jungle fowl on a scout for food.

Bundala National Park

This park is well-known as a wildlife hotspot for aquatic bird life! The most impressive aspect of the park is its terrain made up of sand dunes, scrub jungle, salt pans, lagoons and long stretches of coastline.

Auburn Silver is a travel writer who has a passion for fashion and a deep interest in admiring new and exotic attractions around the world. Google+

The Paradise of Wildlife in Sri Lanka

Both trodden and untrodden paths of jungles in Sri Lanka hold an abundance of adventure and intrigue. Despite its small size, the country boasts a wide variety of wildlife. Do read on!

Image by Patty Ho Uploaded on Wikimedia Commons by Lkcl_it, Yala National Park (Sri Lanka 2012), CC BY 2.0

Yala National Park

If you want to spot a Sri Lankan leopard, there will be no better place than the Yala National Park! Don’t get excited as you get closer to view a leopard on a tree or stalking its next prey! Sloth bears, elephants, and many other creatures can be experienced up close. This dry zone park is just one of the rustic wildlife reserves Cinnamon Nature Trails and other leading tour operators in Sri Lanka cover.

Sinharaja Forest

Staying true to its name, the Sinharaja Forest which means the ‘Lion Kingdom’ is an important biodiversity hotspot in the country. In 1988, this forest became a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its exceptional geological features. It is home to more than 50% of endemic species including mammals, butterflies as well as many kinds of insects and reptiles.

Minneriya National Park

A park that is always covered in most popular Sri Lanka wildlife tours, Minneriya is best known for its large population of migratory elephants. The park is also home to diverse species of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and even fish. The surroundings too are quite beautiful with dense shrubberies and vast grassy plans.

Bundala National Park

This park is well-known as a wildlife hotspot for aquatic bird life! The most impressive aspect of the park is its terrain made up of sand dunes, scrub jungle, salt pans, lagoons and long stretches of coastline.


Roland Lefevre is a travel writer who specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe. Google+