Cycling Holidays in Europe

A European holiday is on everyone’s dream vacation list, but instead of the customary modes of transportation, more and more travellers are now opting for self-guided cycling tours. Europe is the birthplace of the bicycle and the cycling culture is strong in Europe, making it one of the most sought-after destinations cycling. There are several cycling tour operators who will organise routes and provide a sturdy bicycle, bicycle tyre, and other essentials needed for the trip. A tool kit, spare parts, and tough sturdy tyres, like DSI Tyres for example, are a must when travelling by bicycle.

There are plenty of options when it comes to routes to travel in Europe, from relaxed rides around the coast to the more adventurous mountain bike treks, steep country side and even races. As well as planning your cycling route, you also need to carefully plan and select your cycle touring kit. It make sound obvious, but remember, as you’ll have to cycle with your belongings, it’s worth taking the time to make a list and selecting lightweight essentials only, and doing away with any unnecessary items.

If you’re not too confident, request for a guide to go with you. A cycle tour guide will have extensive knowledge of the route, show you the best spots to see along the way and can also offer encouragement after a hard day of pedaling. Some trips provide full support in the way of vehicles en route to offer aid when you need help, mechanics to help repair the bike if it breaks, or even just to offer respite if you’re feeling too tired.

Europeans not only love cycling themselves, but appreciate when tourists try their cycling aswell, as it is also a great way to slow down and explore their country in a unique way. Expect warm greetings and smiles from locals during your cycling tour!

Nelson Osborne is an independent freelance writer who has been sharing his expertise on a variety of subjects via numerous articles and web content over the years. Google+