Whale Watching

Just off the coast of New Zealand the conditions are perfect for one of the most charming activities out at sea – whale and dolphin watching. People flock to these waters to get a glimpse of these playful yet majestic creatures in the breathtaking backdrop of the southern seas. But the best sightings can be found around New Zealand’s south island of Otago.

The unique features along the eastern shores of Otago – where the continental shelf plunges into a series of underwater gorges – create an ideal home for several types of whales, who prefer to feed in deep waters. As the warm currents from the equatorial regions mix with cold currents from the Antarctic seas forming an upward movement underwater, the nutritious waters of the deep are brought to the surface. This creates a great food source for plankton and krill, which in turn become food for whales and small fish, the preferred food of dolphins. The continuous motion of this cycle sustains an eco-system that keeps all this marine life concentrated into this area.

Although New Zealand’s seas turn quite harsh and cold in the winter the resident populations of sea life can be seen all year around. Pods of sperm whales – that grow a humungous 15 metres in length – have made a permanent home along the coasts of Kaikoura. The migratory humpback whales come looking for cooler waters in June and July, while the killer whales (Orcas) reside in the warm summer waters from December to March. Watch out for the tall sprouts of water from their blowholes as they surface for air. Try to spot the distinctive markings in each tail as they splash copious amounts of water with one playful flip. Many times large pods of dolphins are spotted around the boats as well, accompanying the visitors to their destinations. Their colourful personalities are a delight to watch as they swim alongside the hull and jump over the waves. All this activities make wonderful photo opportunities and even better memories for all.

To reach the whale watching hotspots, take the picturesque scenic routes to the south island. As the tours depart at sunrise, a stay one of the South New Zealand hotels is preferred. Afterwards, relax in the stunning surroundings on land. Millennium & Copthorne Hotels NZ has a variety of properties throughout the country including one situated in the middle of the city of Dunedin, the second largest city in Otago. One of the finest Dunedin hotels, it not only gives access to the hottest business, food and shopping centres in town, but also provides a gateway to the beautiful countryside.