The Bundala National Park is located in the Southeast of Sri Lanka. Of course the more frequented, Yala National Park is located in close proximity to it. But it is important to know the distinctness of the National Park in Bundala. It lives up to its status as a popular birding ground and attracts the quiet wanderer and the keen bird watcher. The National Park is said to be the home and temporary home of 197 species of bird. And you will not be disappointed because on merely one visit you are certain to spot over 50 species of bird. Cinnamon Wild Yala is amongst the Yala hotels, in the region that provide easy access to such national parks. If you are keen to spot more and more birds, you simply need to be an early riser.

Arrive at the park at 5.30 am, this is when these flighty beings relax in the watery areas of the park. Hop onto a rickety jeep at the entrance and make sure you request the assistance of a ‘bird tracker’. The fact that your tracker is immersed in his surroundings, gives him the ability to spot the birds of the area with far greater skill than you would imagine.

You will be surprised to find that the birds are quite accustomed to the noise of your rickety jeep. In fact, they crave some attention. Colourful Painted Stork, Asian Openbills, Spot-billed Pelicans , Black-headed Ibises and flocks of Greater Flamingos are a few birds that you will be able to spot in the park. You will be thrilled at the variety of birds and the great skill of your tracker in spotting these beautiful beings.
It is impossible to keep count of the birds you will spot and there are countless amounts at the Bundala National Park.
Roland Lefevre is a travel writer who specializes in creating features on leisure as well as business travel destinations across the globe. Google+